D-22844 Norderstedt / Germany
Tel. +49 (40) 529 884 0

6. Appendix
6.1 Analogy of Text Fields and Program Keywords
6.1.1 Peak Search
Page | Text Field | marPeaks Keyword |
Setup | Image directory & name | template <string> |
Setup | 2-Theta,Chi & Omega | angles twotheta <float> angles chi <float> angles omega <float> |
Setup | Wavelength | wavelength <float> |
Setup | Distance | distance <float> |
Setup | PHI-Start | image START <float> |
Setup | Delta-PHI/Image | image OSC <float> |
Main | First & last image | image <integer> <integer> |
Peak Search | Expected no. of spots/image | target <integer> |
Peak Search | Min. sigma threshold | peak sigma <float> |
Peak Search | Min. no. of pixels in spot | peak min <integer> |
Peak Search | Min. distance between spots | reject separation <float> |
Peak Search | Typical spot size | peak nboxx <int> nboxy <int> pixmin <int> pixmax <int> dxdy <int> size <int> |
Peak Search | Binning in image | image bin <integer> |
Exclude area | Beamstop | exclude beamstop <float> |
Exclude circle | Circle | exclude circle <float> <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Ring | exclude ring <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Rectangle | exclude rectangle <float> <float> <float> <float> [<float>] |
Exclude area | Ice ring | exclude ice 5*<float> |
6.1.2 Index
Page | Text Field | marIndex Keyword |
Setup | Working directory | peakfile <string> |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | cell 6x <float> |
Setup | Spacegroup | spacegroup <integer> or <string> |
Setup | Wavelength | wavelength <float> |
Setup | Distance | distance <float> |
Setup | Extension | scan <integer> x <integer> |
Setup | Pixelsize | pixelsize <float> <float> |
Setup | Beam center | beamcenter <float> <float> |
Setup | Polarization | polar <float> or <string> |
6.1.3 Predict
Note: Program marPredict uses 2 hidden sets of parameters resulting from indexing: the crystal orientation and the axis definition, both in marIndex notation. These parameters are given in the input parameter file on keywords orientation and axes
Page | Text Field | marPredict Keyword |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | cell 6x <float> |
Setup | Spacegroup | spacegroup <integer> or <string> |
Setup | Wavelength | wavelength <float> |
Setup | Distance | distance <float> |
Setup | Tilt, twist | tilt <float> <float> |
Setup | Mosaicity | mosaicity <float> |
Setup | Extension | scanmode <integer> x <integer> |
Setup | Pixelsize | pixelsize <float> <float> |
Setup | Beam center | beamcenter <float> <float> |
Main | Max. resolution | radius <float> <float> |
Setup | Divergence | diverg <float> [<float>] |
Setup | Polarization | polar <float> or <string> |
Exclude area | Beamstop | exclude beamstop <float> |
Exclude circle | Circle | exclude shadow <float> <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Ring | exclude ring <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Rectangle | exclude shade <float> <float> <float> <float> [<float>] |
Exclude area | Ice ring |
6.1.4 Strategy
Note: Program marStrategy uses 2 hidden sets of parameters resulting from indexing: the crystal orientation and the axis definition, both in marIndex notation. These parameters are given in the input parameter file on keywords orientation and axes
Page | Text Field | marStrategy Keyword |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | cell 6x <float> |
Setup | Spacegroup | spacegroup <integer> |
Setup | Wavelength | wavelength <float> |
Setup | Distance | distance <float> |
Setup | Tilt, twist | tilt <float> <float> |
Setup | Extension | scanmode <integer> x <integer> |
Setup | Pixelsize | pixelsize <float> <float> |
Setup | Beam center | beamcenter <float> <float> |
Main | Max. resolution | resolution <float> <float> |
Strategy | Starting PHI | phi start <float> |
Strategy | Total PHI | phi total <float> |
Strategy | Delta-PHI per bin | phi oscillation <float> |
6.1.5 Integrate marProcess
Program marProcess uses the same keywords as program marPredict with a couple of extensions:
Page | Text Field | marProcess Keyword |
Setup | First and last image Starting PHI Delta- PHI |
image <integer> <integer> START <float> OSC <float> |
Integrate | Fix/Refine parameters | fix <string> |
Integrate | Print output | list <integer> | ipmosflm
Page | Text Field | MOSFLM Keyword |
Main | Max. resolution | resolution <float> |
Main | First & last image | hklout root_<integer>:<integer>.mtz |
process <integer> to <integer> | ||
Setup | PHI start | process N1 to N2 start <float> |
Setup | Delta-PHI/image | process N1 to N2 angle <float> |
Integrate | # of images for 1 profile | process N1 to N2 block <integer> |
Setup | Image directory & name | template <string> |
Setup | Extension | extension <string> |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | cell 6x <float> |
Setup | Spacegroup | symmetry <integer> |
Setup | Wavelength | wavelength <float> |
Setup | Distance | distance <float> |
Setup | 2-Theta | twotheta <float> |
Setup | Mosaicity | mosaicity <float> |
Setup | Divergence | divergence <float> <float> |
Setup | Polarization | polarization <float> |
Setup | Pixelsize | pixelsize <float> |
Setup | Beam center | beamcenter <float> <float> |
Setup | Radial & tang. offset | distortion roff <float> toff <float> |
Setup | Tilt, twist | distortion tilt <float> twist <float> |
Setup | Turn | distortion ccom <float> |
Page | Text Field | MOSFLM Keyword |
Integrate | Refine Center (deselected) | refine fix xcen ycen |
Integrate | Refine Distance (deselected) | refine fix distance |
Integrate | Refine Tilt (deselected) | refine fix tilt |
Integrate | Refine Twist (deselected) | refine fix twist |
Integrate | Refine Roff (deselected) | refine fix roff |
Integrate | Min. # of reflections | refine nref <integer> |
Integrate | Max. radius | refine limit <float> |
Page | Text Field | MOSFLM Keyword |
Integrate | Refine Cell (deselected) | postref fix all |
Integrate | Refine Misset (deselected) | postref fixed |
Integrate | Use refined div. selected | postref usebeam |
Integrate | Isotropic div. selected | postref beam 1 |
Integrate | Hor.+vert. div. selected | postref beam 2 |
Integrate | Iso. and hor./vert. div. deselected |
postref beam 0 |
Integrate | Min. # of reflections | postref nref <integer> |
Integrate | Max. angular residual | postref maxresid <float> |
Integrate | Max. misset shift | postref maxshift <float> |
Integrate | Use fine PHI slicing | postref [no]multi |
Integrate | # images for postref. | postref add <integer> |
Page | Text Field | MOSFLM Keyword |
Integrate | # of profiles on detector | profile xlines <x1 x2 ... > profile ylines <y1 y2 ... > |
Integrate | => 9 | profile lowres |
Integrate | => 21 | profile highres |
Integrate | Min. # reflections for profile | profile nref <N> |
Integrate | Include partials in profile formation (selected) |
profile partials |
Integrate | Optimize measurement box (deselected) |
profile nooptimise |
Integrate | Autodetermine size measurement box (deselected) |
raster <width> <height> <corners> <upper rim> <lower rim> |
Integrate | # of images for 1 profile Autodetermine deselected |
process block <integer> |
Page | Text Field | MOSFLM Keyword |
Integrate | Min. spot separation Auto deselected |
separation <float> <float> |
Integrate | Min. spot separation Handle Close selected |
separation close |
Integrate | Detector gain | gain <float> |
Page | Text Field | MOSFLM Keyword |
Exclude area | Beamstop | backstop radius <float> |
Exclude area | Ring | resolution exclude <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Rectangle | limits exclude <float> <float> <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Ice ring | resolution exclude ice <float> <float> | denzo
Page | Text Field | denzo Keyword |
Main | Min./Max. resolution | resolution limit <float> <float> |
Main | First & last image | sectopr <integer> to <integer> |
Setup | PHI start | oscillation start <float> |
Setup | Delta-PHI/image | oscillation range lt;float> |
Setup | Image directory & template | raw data file <string> |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | unit cell <float> <float> ... |
Setup | Spacegroup | space group <integer> |
Setup | Distance | distance <float> |
Setup | Wavelength | wavelength <float> |
Setup | Divergence h/v | crossfire x <float> y <float> |
Setup | Polarization | monochromator <string> |
Setup | Missetting angles | crystal rotx <float> roty <float> rotz <float> |
Setup | Mosaicity | mosaicity <float> |
Setup | Beam center X | x beam <float> |
Setup | Beam center Y | y beam <float> |
Setup | Radial offset | radial offset <float> |
Setup | Tangential offset | angular offset <float> |
Page | Text Field | denzo Keyword |
Integrate | Box size in x,y | box <float> <float> |
Integrate | Spot shape in x&y, tilt | spot elliptical <float> <float> <float> |
Integrate | BKG shape in x&y, tilt | background elliptical <float> <float> <float> |
Integrate | Profile fit radius | profile fitting radius <float> |
Page | Text Field | denzo Keyword |
Integrate | Sigma threshold | weak <float> |
Integrate | Refine Cell Distance ... | fit cell distance ... |
Integrate | # cycles | go go go ... |
Page | Text Field | denzo Keyword |
Exclude area | Beamstop | ignore circle <float> <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Circle | ignore circle <float> <float> <float> |
Exclude area | Rectangle | ignore quadrilateral 8*<float> |
Exclude area | Polygon | ignore quadrilateral 8*<float> |
Page | Text Field | denzo Keyword |
Integrate | Exclude beamstop | ignore circle <float> <float> <float> |
Integrate | Exclude circle | ignore circle <float> <float> <float> |
Integrate | Exclude rectangle | ignore quadrilateral 4*[<float> <float>] |
Integrate | Exclude polygon | ignore quadrilateral 4*[<float> <float>] | XDS
Page | Text Field | XDS Keyword |
6.1.6 Join
When processing data with the mosflm-suite, step
Join calls program sortmtz.
The only entry for program sortmtz is the reflection
file generated by program ipmosflm, named
<string> is the working directory + image root name, and
<N1> and <N2>are 3-digit integers giving the first and last image processed.
When processing data with programs of the automar-suite, step Join calls program marPost. The following keywords are available for marPost:
Page | Text Field | marPost Keyword |
Setup | Image directory & template | template <string> |
Main | First & last image | image <integer> <integer> |
6.1.7 Scale marScale
Page | Text Field | marScale Keyword |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | unit cell <float> <float> ... |
Setup | Spacegroup | space group <integer> |
Setup | Name template | list <string> |
Scale | No. of resolution shells | resolution <min> <max> shells <integer> |
Scale | Scale factor on input | multiplier <float> |
Scale | Reject hkl with I/mean I | reject <float> |
Scale | Reject hkl with I < sigma | threshold sigma <float> |
Scale | Output formats | service <strings> |
Scale | Refine relative B-factor off | norefine B |
Scale | Anomalous signals on/off | anomalous | normal | aimless
Page | Text Field | aimless Keyword |
Scale | No. of resolution shells | bins <integer> |
Scale | No. of refinement cycles | cycleS <integer> |
Scale | Rotation range per scale | scales rotation spacing <float> |
Scale | Restrain scale on detector | tie detector <float> |
Scale | Restrain scale on rotation | tie rotation <float> |
Scale | Min. sigma threshold for hkl | exclude sdmin <float> |
Scale | Reject outliers > x*mean | reject <float> |
Scale | Anomalous signals | anomalous on/off |
Scale | Sigma correction FULLS | sdcorr fulL <sdfac> <sdadd> |
Scale | Sigma correction PARTIALS | sdcorr part <sdfac> <sdadd> |
Scale | Valid partiality range | partials test <min> <max> |
Scale | Scaling method | intensities onlyfulls|partials| full|scale_partials |
Scale | Merging method | final onlyfulls|partials| full|scale_partials |
Scale | Output file contents | output unmerged original| unmerged reduced|average |
Scale | Image range | run <int> batch <first> to <last> |
Scale | Reference (de/-select) | run <integer> reference |
Scale | Exclude (images) | run <integer> exclude <i1 i2 i3 ...> | scalepack
Page | Text Field | scalepack Keyword |
Setup | Cell axes & angles | unit cell <float> <float> ... |
Setup | Spacegroup | space group <integer> |
Scale | No. of resolution shells | number of zones <integer> |
Scale | No. of refinement cycles | postrefine <integer> |
Scale | Restrain scale factor | scale restrain <float> |
Scale | Restrain B-factor | B restrain <float> |
Scale | Scale factor for input data | default scale <float> |
Scale | Scale factor error | error scale factor <float> |
Scale | Estimated error per shell | estimated error |
Scale | Rejection level | write rejection file <float> |
Scale | Rejection probability | rejection probability <float> |
Scale | Reject hkl | @reject |
Scale | Anomalous signals | anomalous |
Scale | Incluse scale.inc | @scale.inc |
Scale | Output file contents | [ no merge [original index] ] |
Scale | Image range | sector <integer> to <integer> |
add partials <integer> to <integer> | ||
Scale | Cell Mosaic Misset | fit batch cell <integer> to <integer> |
fit batch rotx <integer> to <integer> | ||
fit batch roty <integer> to <integer> | ||
fit batch rotz <integer> to <integer> | ||
fit crystal mosaicity <integer> to <integer> | XSCALE
Page | Text Field | XSCALE Keyword |
6.1.8 Truncate
Page | Text Field | truncate Keyword |
Truncate | Truncate intentesities | truncate <yes/no> |
Truncate | Use anomalous data | anomalous <yes/no> |
Truncate | Use low + high res. limit | rscale <resolmin> <resolmax> |
Truncate | Use explicit number of bins | ranges <integer> |
Truncate | # of amino acid residues | nresidues <integer> |
Truncate | Atom names and numbers | contents <string> |
Note, that keywords nresidues and contents are mutually exclusive, but are compulsory!
6.1.9 Convert
Page | Text Field | mtz2various Keyword |
Convert | Output file type | output shelx|xplot|tnt|cns|multan| scalepack |
Convert | Scale factor | scale <float> |
Convert | Min. sigma threshold | exclude sigp <float> |
6.2 Template for cleanup.com
The file cleanup.com resides in $AUTOMARDIR and must be editable and executable t is executed when choosing the menu option Options -> Tidy up working directory . The script takes 2 2 arguments.
#!/bin/csh -f # if ( $#argv < 2 ) then echo "usage: cleanup.com IDENT directory " echo " eg: cleanup.com automar /home/mar/data" echo " IDENT = automar, marFLM, marXDS, marHKL" exit endif set M = $1 set D = $2 # cd $D echo "${M}: Cleaning up directory $D ..." set A = (`ls *.marPredict *.prd *.prf SCALES ROGUES SPOTOD COORD* *PLOT fort.* hklpred* *PLOT *.pck INTEGRATE.HKL ` ) # foreach B ( $A ) /bin/rm -f $B end